- literature.zip
- key texts.zip
- literature information.zip
- gene network.zip
- pathway1.zip
- pathway2.zip
The literatures related to mammalian gametogenesis with the effects of epigenetic modification. Downloaded from PubMed.
Including search terms and filtered words, besides that, these texts are associated with many programs.
The informations got from literatures by manual extraction, these informations constituted the backend database of this website.
We got all the genetic information by manual extraction, then we constructed the gene network diagram by using these relations of interaction.
We used the factor-gene interaction database(got from TRANSFAC) as background, and treated all 7 mammals species as a whole to predict the epigenetic pathways related to gametogenesis.
These pathways are different from the last time, we picked up 2 species(human and mouse) and predicted their epigenetic pathways related to specific stages of gametogenesis(sperm and oocyte stage in human, sperm and PGC stage in mouse).